all postcodes in BN18 / ARUNDEL

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN18 9AA 2 2 50.85416 -0.552922
BN18 9AB 30 14 50.85583 -0.553425
BN18 9AD 28 14 50.854025 -0.55358
BN18 9AG 15 10 50.854193 -0.554072
BN18 9AH 2 1 50.854489 -0.553259
BN18 9AJ 25 9 50.854777 -0.554742
BN18 9AP 20 1 50.854791 -0.555887
BN18 9AR 2 0 50.855199 -0.555411
BN18 9AS 6 1 50.857076 -0.56103
BN18 9AT 4 1 50.856409 -0.558763
BN18 9AU 14 4 50.859291 -0.561934
BN18 9AX 10 0 50.856745 -0.560458
BN18 9AY 3 0 50.854418 -0.558484
BN18 9AZ 1 1 50.854614 -0.554656
BN18 9BA 8 2 50.856182 -0.561541
BN18 9BB 7 0 50.856561 -0.562367
BN18 9BD 40 0 50.854823 -0.560716
BN18 9BE 14 0 50.853878 -0.560603
BN18 9BG 5 0 50.853418 -0.559793
BN18 9BH 10 2 50.855168 -0.557338